Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Acne Occurrences in All Ages
Acne in Infant
It is common that acne occurs on infants, it is a natural skin disease which goes off after s several weeks. Acne-like bumps on the face are caused by trapped oil on the skin follicle. Infantile acne generally appears on the baby’s cheek but sometimes may cover the forehead and the chin. Slight blemishes on the skin are due to exposure to hormonal changes in the womb preceding childbirth. No treatment is needed but may re-occur after six months.
If this condition persists, it may promote early sexual hormonal reproduction. In this case, the infant must be examined by a doctor to find out if there exists a genetic predisposition in acne development.
It is common that acne occurs on infants, it is a natural skin disease which goes off after s several weeks. Acne-like bumps on the face are caused by trapped oil on the skin follicle. Infantile acne generally appears on the baby’s cheek but sometimes may cover the forehead and the chin. Slight blemishes on the skin are due to exposure to hormonal changes in the womb preceding childbirth. No treatment is needed but may re-occur after six months.
If this condition persists, it may promote early sexual hormonal reproduction. In this case, the infant must be examined by a doctor to find out if there exists a genetic predisposition in acne development.
Ages two to six are acne free zone, meaning acne development will stop between these ages. Besides, if cases of acne are seen during this stage of life, then you will have to bring the infant to doctor. This condition may also suggest a problematic hormonal balance in the child.
Acne in Teenage
American Academy of Dermatology says that there are a couple of reasons of acne puberty. One is the result of excessively productive sebaceous glands. Sebum is an oily substance that helps the production of blemish on the skin if trapped on the hair follicles. Acne can also be a result of bacterial reproduction at an abnormal pace. Doctors will usually provide treatments with tropical antibiotics which are very efficient in destroying Propionibacterium acnes, which is the primary cause of acne. Besides, too quick shedding of dead skin cells and the release of toxic substance on the skin may also be the cause for this skin disorder.
American Academy of Dermatology says that there are a couple of reasons of acne puberty. One is the result of excessively productive sebaceous glands. Sebum is an oily substance that helps the production of blemish on the skin if trapped on the hair follicles. Acne can also be a result of bacterial reproduction at an abnormal pace. Doctors will usually provide treatments with tropical antibiotics which are very efficient in destroying Propionibacterium acnes, which is the primary cause of acne. Besides, too quick shedding of dead skin cells and the release of toxic substance on the skin may also be the cause for this skin disorder.
During puberty, excess reproduction usually happens to teenage boys due to significant hormonal changes in a boy’s body. This unnecessary elevation in sebum production often results skin lesions. As a result, teenage boys are more prone to experience acne. Although it is is harder to treat acne during pubescence, it is the diversity of causes which must be properly analyzed so as to provide the better treatment. If you have tried out the over-the-counter medications and none of them worked for you, then you would have to consult dermatologist to better skin disease treatment. And usually, it often takes some time to determine the root cause of acne.
Acne in Adults
Mainly due to hormonal changes, 5% of people who develop acne are infected in their adulthood while the other 95% experienced the skin disease during puberty. Besides, this skin disorder is a hereditary disease and a manifestation of abnormal hormonal imbalance.
What's more, adult acne tends to worsen during pregnancy because of hormonal changes in the women’s body. In some cases, oral contraceptives are often given to treat adult acne. Alcohol, emotional and psychological stress and hot foods will only further worsen the condition.
Usually, the dermatologists would prescribe topical medications with salicylic acid or sulfur to reduce the outbreak of acne and the burning sensations through such. Basically, the topical medications help to cleanse the skin from bacteria and also slow down the performance of oil glands
Mainly due to hormonal changes, 5% of people who develop acne are infected in their adulthood while the other 95% experienced the skin disease during puberty. Besides, this skin disorder is a hereditary disease and a manifestation of abnormal hormonal imbalance.
What's more, adult acne tends to worsen during pregnancy because of hormonal changes in the women’s body. In some cases, oral contraceptives are often given to treat adult acne. Alcohol, emotional and psychological stress and hot foods will only further worsen the condition.
Usually, the dermatologists would prescribe topical medications with salicylic acid or sulfur to reduce the outbreak of acne and the burning sensations through such. Basically, the topical medications help to cleanse the skin from bacteria and also slow down the performance of oil glands
For people who are infected with skin disorder, they should refrain themselves from exposing to sunlight, and avoid using oil-based cosmetics.
Acne Treatments from Mild Cases to Severe Cases.
Although acne is never really a serious health threat, but, if not properly treated, serious scarring can be resulted, and may lead to disfiguring of several skin tissues, particularly those that are in the upper layers.
Basically, there is no complete cure for acne but several methods of treatment may be done.
For mild and severe acne, the treatments may include:
1. Reduction of the active sebaceous glands which produces the oily substance called as sebum.
1. Reduction of the active sebaceous glands which produces the oily substance called as sebum.
2. Reduction of acne-infecting bacteria growth named as Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes.
3. Improving the manner of dead skin cells exfoliation so pores will not be cloded.
At any given time, acne must not be popped or squeezed as this may trigger the spread of infection to other parts of the skin. This may further trigger the skin condition and create a trauma whereas the bacteria may invade the affected areas, and the immune system will release the white blood cells, eventually resulting to infection due to the reaction of the body to the activities of the bacteria and the white blood cells.
Most of the mild acne can be treated with topical and homeopathic treatments that are sold over the counter topical medications are those that may be applied externally. Homeopathics may have the same effects, but there are no prescriptions needed from the doctor.
Other medications are such as topical treatments for more severe forms of acne. These may include minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline and erythromycine. All of these must be administered strictly by a physician to equate the side effects against the benefits of these drugs.
Oestrogens are usually prescribed for females and antiandrogens for males. Estrogens may effectively neutralize or decrease the androgens, which are typically found in the oral contraceptives. Androgens, on the other hand are stimulated during puberty and are found to stimulate the extra production of sebum.
Isotretinoin is a drug that can be taken orally which has been known for getting rid of acne in long term basis. This drug will reduce the size of the oil glands so that lesser oil is produced hence diminishing the presence of bacteria thriving in the pores. You should take precautions of this medication though since its proven to have severe disadvantages like serious birth defects for fetuses.
Rosacea is a chronic disease that affects the skin. The characteristics include: slight inflammation, redness and pimples, and in many cases, the skin tissue develops thickness. It will affect almost the whole face, however it is rare that other parts of the body are afflicted with this type of skin disorder.
Almost 50% of acne rosacea cases may involve infection in the eyes. Some patients even experience conjunctivitis or the sensation of the eye becoming irritated and burned. In cases like this when treatment is not given immediately, this may bring serious eye complications.
The causes for acne rosacea are yet to be identified. This condition usually last for several years. Acne rosacea may be related with food intakes. This happens when certain chemicals in the body reacts with the chemicals extracted from the food items taken into the body. Therefore, patients should avoid food that observably inducing the onset of the acne condition. Over exposure to sun must be avoided.
The following tips are recommended to prevent the spreading of acne rosacea:
1. Avoid hot drinks, spicy foods, caffeine intake and alcoholic beverages.
2. Always apply sunscreen as sun protection.
3. The affected area must not be touched, avoid scrubbing and rubbing to reduce the chance of spreading the infection.
4. If physical exercises should be performed, do in airy and cool places for better ventilation and avoid tight clothing.
5. Avoid facial products and cosmetics totally. Refrain oil-based products if these cannot be avoided. And, use only alcohol-free products to avoid further irritation.
Other forms of treatments for severe nodular or cystic acne include the therapy named as intralesional corticosteroid therapy. This is a very much painless procedure which diluted cortisone solution will be injected on the cystic lesions, hence helps to relieve the person from the pain due to inflammation.
Another choice for the more severe cases of acne would be the acne surgery. This will considerably speed up acne elimination process by means of manually removing whiteheads and blackheads.
Forms & Types Of Acne.
There are about 85% of people who are in the age of 12 to 24 are more likely to experience any forms acne. Others may experience intermittent and serious forms well up to their forties. Fortunately, this skin disease is neither hereditary nor contagious. Or more precisely, acne is a universal skin disease which affects all genders, ages and races.
This skin disorder is the resulted by over-induced sebaceous glands (or the skin’s oil glands) and blocked pilosebaceous units imbedded deep under the skin and blocked skin pores. First and foremost, acne develops from blocked pilosebaceous canals. If the canals are obstructed by hardened sebum and dead cells, this combination may build up and block the ejection of dirt and body wastes, hence providing breeding grounds for Propionibacterium acnes or the P. acnes in the follicle walls or hair pores. These acne-infecting bacteria will attract white blood cells. Then, the area will be inflamed because of the reaction of the body to the activities which eventually lead to acne growth.
Basically, this skin disorder comes in three categories:
1. Whiteheads and blackheads or closed and open clogs respectively.
2. Mild inflammatory acne that includes papules and pustules.
3. Cystic acnes or nodules.
Acne may come in many forms, with each of their own characteristics. Some types may be inter-related and some have their independent origins.
1. Comedo- or microcomedo, the smallest type of lesion
2. Pustules- are pus-filled, usually yellowish in colour.
3. Nodules- are the same with pustules only varying in size and the degree of swelling.
4. Papules- are typically inflamed pimples.
5. Cysts- are pus filled and have sac-like formation. This is the most severe form of acne.
Some of the forms of acne include:
1. Acne vulgaris- which is the most common form which comprised of blackheads and whiteheads. That acne can be normally found around the shoulder, the surface of the face and the forehead.
1. Acne vulgaris- which is the most common form which comprised of blackheads and whiteheads. That acne can be normally found around the shoulder, the surface of the face and the forehead.
2. Infantile acne- which happens to infants or new born babies.
3. Acne rosacea- acne occurs on the skin surface of adults, especially middle-aged women.
4. Scalp folliculitis- or acne which manifest on the scalp and around the hairline.
5. Perioral dermatitis- which is more common in women, characterized by small pustules and papules.
6. Acne conglobata- or acne vulgaris in its sever form.
7. Acne fulminans- usually grouped by systematic symptoms.
Acne is a skin disease that cannot be completely cured. However, there is always new treatment introduced to reduce the skin’s vulnerability to acne infection. These may composed by the following methods of treatments:
1. Homeopathic treatments, or those can you can prepare at home and are usually available over the counter, such as soap and water, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and alcohol
2. Topical treatments or creams which are applied on the external layers of the skin.
3. Oral drugs or drugs that can be taken as prescribed, these are usually composed of antibiotics such as spironolactone, minocycline and doxycycline treatments.
There have not been any concrete or known causes of acne for most forms. Nevertheless, several studies were carried out to determine some of the causes which may trigger the production of acne. The following include:
1. Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes (the acne-infecting bacteria)
1. Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes (the acne-infecting bacteria)
2. Psychological stress and emotional stress
3. Unhealthy diet (basically, the basis may be the diet followed in the West which are fat-enriched)
4. Digestive systems that do not function properly
5. Hormonal imbalances and changes, which may be the product of the digestive system reacting to some food items
6. Cosmetics, especially the oil-based cosmetics
Tips For Acne Removal And Acne Cleansing
American Academy of Dermatology has proven that acne is caused by several substantial factors, which has excluded many misconceptions like dirt and poor hygiene, unhealthy foods and some other factors.
Unclean skin can be logically resolved through extensive washing. It is partly true, but it becomes false it involves acne. Acne is not caused by dirt or poor hygiene. The real cause of acne is caused by the hyperactive sebaceous glands which then produce the sebum or the oily substance found only in the skin and sometimes has been incorporated in skin care products and cosmetics. Sebaceous glands are usually attached on the hair follicles in the skin walls, these regulates the release of sebum into the skin tissues.
American Academy of Dermatology has proven that acne is caused by several substantial factors, which has excluded many misconceptions like dirt and poor hygiene, unhealthy foods and some other factors.
Unclean skin can be logically resolved through extensive washing. It is partly true, but it becomes false it involves acne. Acne is not caused by dirt or poor hygiene. The real cause of acne is caused by the hyperactive sebaceous glands which then produce the sebum or the oily substance found only in the skin and sometimes has been incorporated in skin care products and cosmetics. Sebaceous glands are usually attached on the hair follicles in the skin walls, these regulates the release of sebum into the skin tissues.
The excessive release of hormones and androgens, estrogens and testosterone could cause the over production of sebum. Our skin only requires a certain level of sebum to lubricate the tissues to reduce the dryness. However, if the sebaceous glands are too active in producing much more sebum than the skin requires, this then will attract acne-infecting bacteria which in turn would trigger the release of white blood cells. When this happens, the infected area will react and will become inflamed or irritated.
Acne may be treated to a certain extend, but, there is no solution to completely cure the skin. Since most of the acne is caused by internal factors, it is therefore hard to distinguish the real causes.
Cleansing the face for acne suppression does not really live up to its false misconceptions. In fact, washing can only wash away the excessive sebum and dirt, but, dirt is not a cause of acne. Also, facial washes may release the dead cells, skin debris and unnecessary skin particles from the tissues.
One of the top five recommendations to treat mild acne is the benzoyl peroxide. It is an antiseptic which will relieve the skin, and reduce the surface area of the bacterial infection. It also has oxidizing properties which helps to reduce comedone or the mild acne on the skin tissue.
Benzoyl peroxide may also act as anti-inflammatory, meaning it may help to prevent the inflammation of the already existing acne. This will help to reduce the possibility of the swelling of infected pustules and papules, allowing the relief of the infection which often accompanies acne outbreaks. However, you should know that the use of benzoyl peroxide may cause extreme dryness, so some peeling must be expected.
The technology of laser to remove unwanted acne scars or curing acne itself has been suggested by some dermatologists. However, these for many results to significant changes on scars and sebum reduction, the oily substance produce in the sebaceous glands in the middle layer of the skin. It has been proven that laser treatment is effective in reducing the continuous acne and the scars left.
However, before you decide to undergo laser treatment, you might to need to consider about several factors especially in the skin pigmentation (or colour of the skin) of the person who will undergo the treatment.
For instance, colored people need the combination of radio and light frequency to achieve the best results. Though the energy from the radio frequency helps to tighten the skin, it also adds to the over-all improvement of the ski tissue and also kills the bacteria. As for the fair coloured skins such as the Caucasians and other ethnic groups, the loss of pigmentation is common due to the laser treatment. And therefore, the medical field has developed new technology to reduce the loss or restore pigmentation lost during the process of treating the acne.
How Does Stress Cause Acne?
Stress-related acne is still a much debatable issue till today. Whether stress may really cause real acne or not, the health circles were not certain until some years ago. There are several medical studies that may provide evidence that the outbreak of acne to some people may be caused by stress.
Stress-related acne is still a much debatable issue till today. Whether stress may really cause real acne or not, the health circles were not certain until some years ago. There are several medical studies that may provide evidence that the outbreak of acne to some people may be caused by stress.
There are two ways that stress may cause acne, which are: one is stress being able to stimulate the adrenal glands to produce more hormones and the other is by slowing down the process of healing.
The adrenal glands which are found above the kidneys secrete hormones known as norepinephrine and epinephrine. Along with the male hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex that are released only under stressful conditions, this condition will then stimulate the release of excess sebum which further regenerates the acne breakout.
It is also recognized that psychological stress may reduce the healing capacity of the immune system by 40%. This being given only increases the probability that several cases of acne may really be stress-related.
On top of that, stress does not only worsen acne flare-up, it may affect the over-all health condition of the skin. It induces the adrenal cortex to generate a steroid called cortisol that might trigger the production of sebum, which makes the skin extra oily. This is also why stressed people tend to have pus-filled papules and inflamed acne rather than the plain whiteheads and blackheads.
In 2002, the Stanford University School of Medicine carried out a research on the connection between stress and acne. Although it only involved 22 acne-inflicted students, the fact that stress actually causes the generation of acne on students under stressful condition has been established. The professors involved in the experiment were able to wrap up that the exam aggravated the acne of the students under observation. It was also confirmed that students who were greatly stressed during the examinations have greater tendency for more severe acne conditions.
Acne urticata, which is actually not acne but a form of eczema, are apparent to middle-aged women with depression and stress. In some circumstances, it is not yet clear whether the stress resulted to acne or the stress the resultant of this type of acne.
Dr. Jerome Litt, who is a German dermatologist, concluded that under stressful situations, the male hormone testosterone and androgens are will be produced. This belief has led him to the generalization that these two hormones may be active to the production of sebum on the skin, which might result in the outbreak of acne.
To combat this problem, he suggests that it is best for acne patients to avoid stress, worry, anxiety and tension as these could be the factors that trigger the production of acne or worsen the pre-existing condition.
Acne Treatments with Medications
If you have bad acne breakouts, you might need some prescriptions of medications to help you to heal your skin condition. Some of these medications may be topical or those that are applied externally, or others are systematic or the drugs that can be taken orally.
Retin-A is a topical medication derived from Vitamin A retinoid metabolite. It helps to increase cell turnover and release plugged materials from the hair follicles. This can prevent the formation of new acne and improved the appearance of wrinkles. This medication may enhance the skin’s sensitivity to irritation and sunlight though.
An obvious side effect of this drug is extreme drying of the skin which may result red, swollen and blistered condition.
You should also take note that sunburned skin must not applied with this medication.
Retin-A is a topical medication derived from Vitamin A retinoid metabolite. It helps to increase cell turnover and release plugged materials from the hair follicles. This can prevent the formation of new acne and improved the appearance of wrinkles. This medication may enhance the skin’s sensitivity to irritation and sunlight though.
An obvious side effect of this drug is extreme drying of the skin which may result red, swollen and blistered condition.
You should also take note that sunburned skin must not applied with this medication.
Oral Antibiotics
Together with other topical medications, oral medications may be prescribed a dermatologist. However, target bacteria may develop immunity to certain antibiotics. In such cases, other medications may be prescribed. As for the oral antibiotics, topical antimicrobials may target the same bacteria or may be applied directly to the affected area.
Together with other topical medications, oral medications may be prescribed a dermatologist. However, target bacteria may develop immunity to certain antibiotics. In such cases, other medications may be prescribed. As for the oral antibiotics, topical antimicrobials may target the same bacteria or may be applied directly to the affected area.
Spironolactone Acne Treatment
Spironolactone is a diuretic popular for its potassium-sparing properties. It was formulated with the intention to reduce body fluids without depleting the potassium level of the body. For those who suffer from acne, Spironolactone can help to reduce the production of androgens, the specific hormones excreted to activate the production of sebum, which is the oily substance found on the skin. When this sebum causes clogged pores, it may then cause the acne to outburst. The control in androgen release would diminish the possibility of acne infection and inflammation. However, in taking Spironolactone, there are few considerations that have to be identified by both the physician and the patient. This is due to the fact that there are some medications and health conditions that may be significantly affected through the use of this diuretic. You should also understand the side effect that comes with the benefits of this drug.
Spironolactone is a diuretic popular for its potassium-sparing properties. It was formulated with the intention to reduce body fluids without depleting the potassium level of the body. For those who suffer from acne, Spironolactone can help to reduce the production of androgens, the specific hormones excreted to activate the production of sebum, which is the oily substance found on the skin. When this sebum causes clogged pores, it may then cause the acne to outburst. The control in androgen release would diminish the possibility of acne infection and inflammation. However, in taking Spironolactone, there are few considerations that have to be identified by both the physician and the patient. This is due to the fact that there are some medications and health conditions that may be significantly affected through the use of this diuretic. You should also understand the side effect that comes with the benefits of this drug.
Some side effects may include skin allergies, diarrhea, muscle cramps and nausea. However, this drug can be extremely effective if taken under extreme guidance of a doctor.
Doxycycline Treatment
For mild inflammatory acne infection , doxycycline is usually prescribed to treat this condition. This antibiotic is known to reduce the impact of the attacks of the bacteria that clog within the hair follicles which in effect, cause the acne to appear. This drug has been known to treat a host of other diseases and ailments such as gum disease, urinary tract infections and some other sexually-transmitted diseases.
For mild inflammatory acne infection , doxycycline is usually prescribed to treat this condition. This antibiotic is known to reduce the impact of the attacks of the bacteria that clog within the hair follicles which in effect, cause the acne to appear. This drug has been known to treat a host of other diseases and ailments such as gum disease, urinary tract infections and some other sexually-transmitted diseases.
But, this medication can increase the person’s vulnerability to sun’s harmful radiations. It is best to apply sunscreens or use protective clothing if exposure to sun cannot be avoided.
Minocycline Treatment
Minocycline is a derivative of tetracycline, which is commonly used for treating acne. This medication should not be taken by children as it will reduce the development of teeth and bones. As with the doxycycline, minocycline can effectively decrease the strength of the bacteria thriving in the skin pores.
Minocycline is a derivative of tetracycline, which is commonly used for treating acne. This medication should not be taken by children as it will reduce the development of teeth and bones. As with the doxycycline, minocycline can effectively decrease the strength of the bacteria thriving in the skin pores.
Why Does Acne Appear On Our Back?
Acne may appear at several places, including the back. Acne can influence anyone from any age, gender or race, and it is seen more commonly in men than in women.
Bacne may be caused by irritation of acne by over-induced sweat glands. Sweat is a form of body waste that contains dirt, toxins and oils that may worsen the condition of acne appearing in the back.
Hereditary factors might also be the reason of bacne. Unfortunately, bacne is more stubborn that those that appear on the face. This is mainly due to the fact that skin is thicker on our back. Therefore, we might need stronger treatment to cure bacne. Mild cleansers which contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can be used in mild or infrequent bacne outbreaks.
Similar to acne, bacne is caused by over productive sebaceous glands normally starts to aggressively function during puberty. These glands will produce an oily substance called sebum which will be released through the skin pores.
Acne may appear at several places, including the back. Acne can influence anyone from any age, gender or race, and it is seen more commonly in men than in women.
Bacne may be caused by irritation of acne by over-induced sweat glands. Sweat is a form of body waste that contains dirt, toxins and oils that may worsen the condition of acne appearing in the back.
Hereditary factors might also be the reason of bacne. Unfortunately, bacne is more stubborn that those that appear on the face. This is mainly due to the fact that skin is thicker on our back. Therefore, we might need stronger treatment to cure bacne. Mild cleansers which contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can be used in mild or infrequent bacne outbreaks.
Similar to acne, bacne is caused by over productive sebaceous glands normally starts to aggressively function during puberty. These glands will produce an oily substance called sebum which will be released through the skin pores.
The sebaceous glands continue to produce the sebum and secrete it through the skin openings. When there is excessive sebum, it gets trapped in the pores which then clog the openings.
In this process, the release of dead cells gets blocked with the accumulated oil. As a result, the dead cells together with oil will clog the hair follicles which may become breeding areas for bacteria. Acne will occur when the bacteria irritates the surrounding area which then becomes inflamed.
In this process, the release of dead cells gets blocked with the accumulated oil. As a result, the dead cells together with oil will clog the hair follicles which may become breeding areas for bacteria. Acne will occur when the bacteria irritates the surrounding area which then becomes inflamed.
Bacnes usually infect the back, and buttocks in some cases. In most severe cases, the lesions are larger and more painful. However, the root cause of bacne is not yet determined.
This skin disorder may be resulted from some external irritants such as heavy backpacks or tight clothing. It could be also caused by many internal processes such as hormonal imbalance or non-release of body wastes and toxins. Basically, it can be a result of an unhealthy body. However, there are several factors that may trigger the production of facial acne but not with back acne.
Generally, food has no effect in bacne outbreaks. Excessive oil production at the back skin does not trigger the formation or worsens the condition of bacne either. Not even the link that a vigorous perspiration is not found to have triggered or irritated bacne, whether the sweat is washed immediately after an activity or not.
Bacne is neither contagious nor hereditary. There is no connection in between bacne and genetics. The children do not posses the problems just as their parents suffered with it. Since some degree of acne condition is affecting people worldwide, it is no wonder that anyone in any family may experience this skin disorder.
Furthermore, stress does not have the same effect as with blackheads, whiteheads and mild inflammatory acnes. It is different from the facial acne as the connection between psychological stresses is already firmly recognized. And yet there is no link found in the case of bacne.
The simplest form of bacne can be treated with some over the counter drugs and homeophatic treatments. As for the more severe form or the cystic bacne, it can only be treated by medical doctors, dermatologist and skin specialists.
The simplest form of bacne can be treated with some over the counter drugs and homeophatic treatments. As for the more severe form or the cystic bacne, it can only be treated by medical doctors, dermatologist and skin specialists.
Treatments For Blackheads, Whiteheads and Mild Inflammatory Acne
As the name suggests, blackheads are called so because they are typically black in colour. But, it is not dirt that causes the coloration but the accumulation of the dark pigment called melanin, skin particles and excess skin debris.
As the name suggests, blackheads are called so because they are typically black in colour. But, it is not dirt that causes the coloration but the accumulation of the dark pigment called melanin, skin particles and excess skin debris.
Blackhead is also one of the types of acne. The other two are whitehead and mild inflammatory acne known as popules, postules nodules and cysts.
Basically, blackheads are caused by excess sebum, which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, trapped in the skin pores. If sebum becomes harden near the upper layers of the skin, it will then clog the skin openings and form a plug. Whitehead are also formed in the same way, the only difference is the plugs are rooted much deeper under the skin.
When an infection under the plug begins due to the overproduction of white blood cells battling against the Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes, then, it will cause mild inflammatory. The area will then become red and inflamed.
Basically, there are two forms of mild inflammatory acne. There is the popules, these are red, inflamed acne and the other type is the pustules. It can be identified by the white substance in the center of the pus.
There are some simple treatments as pre-treatment medications for blackheads, whiteheads and mild inflammatory acnes. Since they are not prescribed by dermatologists, they have yet to be proven to be effective. Some of these are home remedies or those that are generally bought over the counter, or the safer alternative through using organic chemicals that are found in fruits and certain seeds.
These types of treatments may be used individually or combined, it is the same as the salicylic acid which must always be combined with either alcohol or acetone to get rid the smell.
Benzoyl peroxide and the plain soap and water are the most basic homeopathic which may be used even without a doctor’s prescription. As for the more severe cases, topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, contraceptive antibiotics and acne surgery may have to be performed.
An acne-inflicted person must not touch, or attempt to force the whiteheads, blackheads or the forms of mild inflammatory acne to burst without the professional equipment and skill as this action may infect the skin and may worsen the state of the skin disorder. Popping out the pustule of the acne or the plugs in whiteheads and blackheads may leave the skin open to bacterial attack which may cause scarring.
Oral and topical medications cannot be applied without the supervision of a physician. Topical medications mainly help in neutralizing the bacteria found in the skin and when combined with other chemical agents, may help reduce the overproduced sebum, hence improving the acne effected area.
The last treatment is probably an acne surgery which may be applied to whiteheads, blackheads and mild inflammatory acne, it must be performed only by an expert in the field though. This treatment is uncommon for mild cases of acne, however, it may provide great improvements in the skin’s appearance and may later save the patient for succeeding surgeries which may be caused by scarring.
Combat Acne From Within!
The digestive system is involved in breaking down foods into amino acids, fatty acids, sugars and glycerine so it can be transported into the blood stream and will eventually be utilized by the body to perform bodily functions. In short, we can say that the body is the machine and the engine is the digestive system. The machine would have to depend on the fuel or the nutrients extracted from the digested food to operate the body.
The digestive system is one of the most important functions in our body. It is useless to eat the best food in the world if you have poor gestive system. A slow digestive system may be the real cause of many skin disorders and skin diseases such as eczema, boils, acne and even body odour.
The overall well-being of our body depends on the good reduction of food elements in the digestive tract into useful components. If our digestive system fails to do so, it might cause us over fatigue and stress and the production and fermentation of body toxins which may give rise to skin diseases, including acne. If this condition stays unresolved, other body systems may be severely affected and eventually destroying the whole body.
Also, a slow digestive system may be due to lack of Hydrochloric acid which is important to the process of digesting.
Here are some reasons that will affect the level of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach:
- Attacks of P. helicobactor- Excessive intake of junk foods- Lack of nutrient- Excessive dietary sugar and fats- Hypothyroidism- Malfunctioning adrenalin glands
There are some several diseases which are associated with hydrochloric acid depletion, such as adult acne and many other serious diseases and skin disorders like arthritis, fatigue, muscle cramps and multiple skin allergies.
There are some several diseases which are associated with hydrochloric acid depletion, such as adult acne and many other serious diseases and skin disorders like arthritis, fatigue, muscle cramps and multiple skin allergies.
Long term reliant of antibiotics may also cause the depletion of HCL in the stomach. Acne may be a manifestation of malfunction of immune system which may be due to the reaction of the body to the excessive chemicals found in antibiotics. Both of these reasons could flare up the outbreak of acne. Since skin is the largest organ in the body, it provides the outlet for internal toxicity and chemical imbalances in body tissues and organs.
Usually, antibiotics will be prescribed for typical and minor ailments. By doing this, the bacteria in the body that causes the infections become immuned to specific types of antibiotics. Antibiotics may suppress the ailments in the body, but they may also hide the problems but in return they are weakening the immune system, thus aggravating the condition of the skin disease.
Studies have established the fact that diet has an important role in acne production. This is why those who are not following Western diet experience fewer cases of acne outbreaks on serious levels. Western diet is generally less healthy than the Eastern diet.
To maintain ideal level for human health, here are the necessary processes:
1. Appropriation- the process to take in the food items, fluids, chemicals.
2. Assimilation- the processes to absorb the nutrients extracted from the food taken.
3. Elimination- the processes to excrete or expel toxins and body wastes.
The Real Culprit Behind Acne
Acne is a general term for the skin disorder which affects most teenagers and people in their middle ages. It is identified by mild inflammations which come from bumps on the skin.
Generally, there are three categories of acne: blackheads and whiteheads, mild inflammatory and severe cystic nodular acne. Given to the varying conditions accompanying these forms of skin disease, there are several methods have been developed.
However, there is still no complete cure for acne but there are available treatments and medications which can help to relieve the patient from the pain, psychological effects and acne scars and etc. These treatments may include procedures and therapies by making use of topical drugs or those that are applied directly on the infected area of the skin or the surrounding tissues around it. In addition, doctor may also prescribe oral or systematic medications such antibiotics, tetracycline and its derivatives such as minocycline and doxycycline. For the more severe cases, it might requite the combination of topical and oral treatment that can be applied along side with physical treatments such as laser acne removal.So, what are the real causes of acne?
Ironically, acne is neither caused by dirt, or consumption of oily products such as chocolates, or caffeinated food, it is also not caused by improper hygiene or poor diet. Although these could be affecting the production of acne, but they are not the main culprit of causing acne.
Basically, acne is caused by the over-induced sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are glands found only in the skin of mammals which is responsible for secreting sebum. Sebum is one type of lubricant to keep the skin from excessive dryness and to keep it from producing irritating patches
In humans, sebaceous are mainly found in association with the hair follicles but may also happen to the hairless section of our skin except for the tissues of the skin on the palms and at the bottom of the feet where pilosebaceous units are absent.
Sebum is a combination of dead fat-producing cells and skin debris. These are continuously replenished by the new growth of cells at the base of the glands. Generally, the sebum is deposited into the hair follicles which will then be brought up to the skin surface through the hair shafts. Sebum is excreted through pores and ducts where the hair is absent.
Sebums, when combined with many forms of natural oils will create a hydro-lipid system which acts as a barrier to protect from the harmful substances which may inflict the skin while keeping the skin hydrated. As for those who experience dry skins, this barrier is no longer working efficiently so the skin experiences extreme moisture lost.
The occurrence of dry skin is higher during old age due to the fact that the production of natural oils is decreased in quantity. Young children and infants do experience extremely dry skin since their sebaceous glands are not yet fully developed.
Skin dryness could be caused by genetics or hereditary factors. Other factors include humidity or heat, poor ventilation, use of chemicals, soaps, detergents, solvents and excessive contact with water
Understand The Cycle Acne Development
First of all, it is important for us to know how acne develops. Acne starts forming in plugged pores in the surface of the skin. In the dermis, which are in the middle skin layer, where pilosebaceous units are located, are composed of sebaceous glands where acne lesions might appear.
Pilosebaceous are not found in the bottoms of the feet and the palms of the hands and this is why there is no acne occurrence in these parts because there are no hair follicles and oil glands. However these units are present all over the body.
Usually, the densest presence of pilosebaceous units exist on the face, neck and the shoulders and because of that, they are more prone to irritation and eventually leads to acne affliction. Principally, acne is caused by the obstruction of the passages in the pilosebaceous canals. There are a few reasons that brought by these reasons:
The main cause of acne development is the excessive production of the sebum. This might clog the pilosebaceous canals, due to the male hormone androgen. Generally, any fluctuation or changes in the balance of this hormone for whatever reason will always result to acne production.
The hair follicle wall will start to overproduce when overproduction of sebum stimulates it, this condition is known as ductal hypercornification. Dead cells combined with excess sebum will clog the pores of the skin and then start to accumulate. Once this situation happens, Propionobacterium acnes, which is a bacteria present in the skin that triggers irritation, may thrive on the clogged canals then attack them. These may attack the immune system, which then may kill the white blood cells. Eventually, the infected area will react to the white blood cells and the present bacteria which will ultimately trigger the onset of the acne breakout.
The acne starts to develop within two or three weeks before it surfaces on the skin. It will develop from simple blemishes on the sebaceous glands via the hair follicle. Simultaneous with this continual process, there are another two processes happen in the hair follicles. The excess sebum will mix with old or dying skin cells and will be excreted from through the pores. The rejuvenation process starts whereas the old cells die, allowing new skin cells to develop. Usually, the shedding of the old cells keep pace with the production of new ones but of course this is different for everyone. Some experience even shedding while some have uneven shedding, it will then allow the dead cells to accumulate in the follicles, and gradually clogging the pores with combined dead cells and bacteria. And also, acne can either be inflammatory or non-inflammatory.
The most common form of acne is comedo, which is a non-inflammatory type. When the pore of the comedo is closed while the clog gets trapped inside, then whitehead starts to form.
On the other hand, an open pore that allows the clog to pull through the skin, this condition is known as blackheads. Blackheads are not accumulation of dirt, instead, it is because of the trapped pigment melanin.
Though these types of acne are non-inflammatory, but when they get irritated, it is likely that they may develop into inflammatory types that look reddish and swollen. These include papules, nodules, pustules, cysts, scars and maculae and they take quite some time to recover.Papules are red pimples or lesions. Pustules are basically pimples but their pus is filled-up at the center while the nodules are generally deep-seated acne and need two months to heal. Cyst, which is the the most serious type of acne can appear up to centimeters in diameter. This severe form of acne requires immediate and serious medical attention.
Secrets For Acne Combat
For a person who is facing serious acne problem, the skin disorder may bring tremendous embarrassments. This might reduce his self-esteem and may cause him to be anti-social. Therefore it is but important to exercise proper skin care to eliminate the skin condition or at the very least, reduce the chances the outbreak.
For a person who is facing serious acne problem, the skin disorder may bring tremendous embarrassments. This might reduce his self-esteem and may cause him to be anti-social. Therefore it is but important to exercise proper skin care to eliminate the skin condition or at the very least, reduce the chances the outbreak.
The following tips are gathered to help you in dealing with the cumbersome skin disorder:
1. Using a skin astringent to remove the excess oil in your face.2. Oil-free moisturizers can be applied to your skin as supplement for the loss of moisture, especially after bath when your skin is quite flaky.3. Choose water-based skincare products instead of products with oil or petroleum contents4. Apply honey mask at least once a week. It is regarded as a disinfectant and is believed to have medicinal properties that help to heal minor blemishes. Also, it may destroy bacteria thriving on the skin.5. Wash your face with sulphur-based soap twice a day, in the morning and before you sleep. Vigorous scrubbing is not advisable, you only have to touch it smoothly. Too much washing of the skin may create further trouble than help.6. If you wear a long hair, then you need to cut your hair short. Hair might contain oil that accumulates dirt. Once you move and your hair gets in contact to your face or your neck, this may worsen the case. Also, it is proper that your hair is washed daily.7. Take daily multivitamins. Your skin may need nutritional supplements which may be lacking in your diet. 8. To better and quickly heal your pimples, it is recommended that your take chromium supplements. 9. Vitamin A must be included in your diet since it may help to protect and prevent skin from acne. It may also help to reduce the production of sebum.10. Remove make up before going to bed. In case that you may really want wearing make-up, you need to choose water-based cosmetics that do not contain oil.11. Make it a habit to drink eight glasses of water a day.12. Never attempt to squeeze or pop pimples as this may casue irritation and inflammation.13. Avoid alcohol-based lotions as well.14. Regularly change your pillow case. 15. Do not wear right clothes when you have acne on your body.16. Avoid being exposed to the sun and should be using UVB/UVA sunscreen, also oil based sunscreens should be avoided.17. Exercise moderately.
Diet & Acne.
It has been years since people started to discuss about the link between diet and acne. It is becoming clearer that food items may not really be the direct cause of acne breakout, but the released chemicals during the process of metabolism for certain foods does effect the occurrence of acne. These particular chemicals may directly cause the development of acne and also worsen the pre-existing acne condition or may trigger its outbreak.
It has been years since people started to discuss about the link between diet and acne. It is becoming clearer that food items may not really be the direct cause of acne breakout, but the released chemicals during the process of metabolism for certain foods does effect the occurrence of acne. These particular chemicals may directly cause the development of acne and also worsen the pre-existing acne condition or may trigger its outbreak.
Acne could be triggered by the extra sebum production through the male hormone testosterone. Meat and meat products contain hormones and hormone-like substances which notably affect the the balance of hormones in our body. It has been observed that meat-eaters are more likely to develop acne breakouts. This is true because steroids and hormones are found in certain meats. Studies show that an outstanding 90% of acne is caused by eating food items that may cause acne while the rest is partly due to hormonal factors.
Acne will start to develop when the hair follicles of the skin are clogged. When excessive sebum is produced and accumulates in the pores, the pores will be clogged. The sebum then creates a plug when it mixes with dead cells formed the walls of the hair follicles, these then closes. When these overfilled pores are attacked by bacteria, then irritation and inflammation will start to appear.
In order to prevent acne, the following procedure will happen. The pores are unclogged, then sebum formation is reduced, then the bacteria are killed together with the reduction in the inflammation.
Western diets are remarkably dominated with high-fat contents primarily of dairy products. And this could be the reason why there are quite a number of people in the West that are acne-infected. As for the Eastern diets, people thrive on carbohydrates and low fat food items that are generally composed of vegetables and fruits. This is probably why there are no signs of acne in people in this region.
Sluggish digestive system may also be the cause of acne and trigger all forms of skin disorder. This is why it is important for people infected with acne are conscious that their diets are fiber-rich and plant-based for it will boost the process of metabolism and may even the clean the digestive tract. It is also important to drink plenty of water together with fruits and a daily serving of seed oil for these may recover some of the lost nutrients in the body. Oily fishes must also be included in the diet as they are the main supplement for some essential fatty acids. Whole grains, lentils and beans and root vegetables will also help to avoid acne. And also, avoid alcohol and caffeine in your diet.
It is a common saying that a healthy diet helps the body in keeping a healthy skin. Although there is no direct link between diet and acne, specific body function may decrease the chance for one to acquire acne as it will improve the body's immune system and may help in acne treatment. Basically, a healthy diet comprises of vegetables, fruits, whole grain and multi-grain foods, carbohydrates, fibers, and a frequent intake of seed oil and mineral oils.
Eating more fruits daily has proven to be helpful in providing by antioxidants which may help you get rid of acne.
Myths Buster: Dirt & Acne
There have always been many false conceptions and assumptions about acne, but, most of these were utterly refuted through the latest researches and studies done to determine the real causes of the skin disorder.
Remarkably, these misbeliefs may present logical solutions or proofs to help patients believe in their reality. But in many cases, these logical presentations of facts have resulted the worsened skin condition. For example, it has been known for years that chocolates may trigger the outbreaks of acne due to its extra oil contents not including the nuts incorporated in the ingredients or other derivatives of dairy products. And, the researches have disapproved this notion by establishing the fact that the food items do not directly affect the production of acne.
However, it does have some relation with the hormonal imbalance and the body’s reactions to the food taken into the digestive system. This will affect the release of androgens which meant to trigger the over production of sebum, the oily substance found in the skin. Even with all these, chocolates still do not affect in any way, either by worsening the case or decreasing the intensity of the acne outbreaks.
Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing the face or keeping the skin clean is not to get rid of dirt from the skin, it is only to prepare the skin for further treatment. You should avoid washing face more than twice a day because this may further worsen the condition by spreading the infection into other sections of the skin tissues.
It is not dirt that clogs the skin pores but the accumulation of dead cells, bacteria and white blood cells which plugged the pilosebaceous canals embedded deep within the skin layers. When this mixture is trapped in the hair follicle, it may infect or inflame the skin.
Blackheads did not turn black because of dirt. It is known as blackheads due to the presence of the melanin in the sebum, which when exposed to air turns black. Actually, blackheads and whiteheads have similar characteristics and develop the same way, the only difference is on the layer of skin where they can be found. Whiteheads are usually found in closed pores which are rooted deeper in the skin while the blackheads are situated in open clogs near the surface of the skin.
Although dirt does not actually cause the development of acne, this does not negate the fact that we should keep our skin healthy and clean. People who are inflicted with acne should take at least two baths a day. If you fail to achieve this, then you might need to wash your face regularly. Do not use harsh soup though. It is a false statement that sebum have no substantial value for the skin, it helps to lubricate the skin tissues so it would not become extremely dry.
“Is My Acne Caused By My Dry Skin?”
Generally, skin types can be categorized into three: normal skin, dry skin and oily skin and all of these skin types stand to be acne inflicted. There are many people who possess all these types on their faces and other parts of the body. Therefore, these three basic categories of skin require different treatments and maintenance.
Oily skin is known as the acne-prone type and during winter, this skin condition is more common since acne is more active under the surface of the skin rather on the surface itself for dry skin, so, you should change your skincare according to the seasons.
Due to the decrease of temperature and humidity, moisture is often insufficient in the winter. The skin becomes drier and more irritated combined with all these factors. This will cause the flaking of the skin mostly around the shoulders, buttocks, mouth and the nose. Some skin even cracks in the worst cases, thus leaving openings where bacteria and other harmful organisms may penetrate and of course increase the like hood of acne breakout. To help counterbalance this problem on dry skin, use moisturizers to help you.
During cold seasons, try to avoid hot baths and showers to maintain the moisture level in the skin. Typically, the drier your skin is, it is more required of you to apply supplemental moisturizers. It is best advisable that you apply moisturizers within five minutes after stepping out of the bathroom.
When it is the summer, you will need a different set of daily routines for skin maintenance. The skin absorbs better moisture level during this season due to the fact that the air is more humid. Usually, skin pores are softer because of sweat and heat, which causes the pulling of a greater number of liquid and bacteria into the skin. And so, it is better than you include retinoids in the daily routine but must be covered with a strong sunscreen and enough moisturizing creams.
Retinoids may dry the skin but it helps to reduce the bacteria and oil presence in the skin. On top of these benefits, it is known as an aid in the reduction of wrinkles, sunspots and lines in dry-skinned people. Dermatologists have not proven that dry skins are more prone to scarring than the other types of skins. Scarring could be gue to genes, the type of skin one has inherited. It was further concluded that scarring manifests because the blemishes were not allowed to completely and properly healed.
It is very likely that acne may leave two types of scars both for oily-skinned and dry-skinned people. The first type of scar is the ice-pick scar which resemblances deep holes on the skin surface. The second type is the pigmented scar, which are at first purplish-brown marks and will gradually develop as white scars that are raised on the surface of the skin.
All these issues can be treated with over the counter medications and face peels but if it cannot be treated within duration of three or four months, then, then it is advisable that the person to seek professional help.
The Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil In Treating Acne
The Native Americans were the first to discover the medicinal use of Evening Primrose. And then, the Europeans eventually brought the plant to their home countries and cultivated it there, where it became a type of food. The whole plant which includes the roots, to the leaves and to the flowers are edible.
The oil of the Evening Primrose flower can be extracted from the seeds, where it is most used as a supplement. Evening Primrose oil has been known for ceasing the discomfort of PMS or symptoms of menopause. Although there is no strong evidence for this, the anecdotal evidence is strong.
GLA, which is a type of fatty acid contained in the oil, contains a lot of beneficial properties. With the essential fatty acid, it is useful for the prevention of heart disease, eczema, hardening of the arteries, and multiple sclerosis. Since it has a positive effect on sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone), this may be the reasons why women have traditionally used it for PMS. This type of essential fatty acid also has anti-inflammatory properties and in fact, a mask made from the ground stems of the plant can help to soothe irritated skin.
There are several other benefits of Evening Primrose oil, such as treating acne and rosacea, preventing diabetes-related nerve damage, help easing joint pain in arthritis patients, protect signs of aging, as well as the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
The Evening Primrose oil supplements come in capsule, softgel, or oil form and dosage and drug interactions can be advised by a healthcare professional. It may take up to six months to see signs that Evening Primrose oil is working, so be patient!
Understand All The Different Forms Of Acne
There are many forms of acne, they can be inter-related or those that develops from one form into another, or those that has its independent origin.
First of all, the development of acne could be caused by the overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands which are usually triggered by the factors which include stress, diet and hormonal imbalance.
Then, the acne will become inflamed combined with dead cells, oil and bacteria. This may then lead to swelling, pain and redness at the area of the infection.
Acne can be defined as inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Acne may begin from a minor abrasion or microcomedo, microcomedos are very small, and it is only visible under the microscope. This will then developed into an open comedo or blackhead, and a closed comedo or whitehead.
Similar to comedo, postules and nodules are more serious form characterized by pus-filled, yellowish bumps for postules, and inflamed, and larger swellings for nodules.
Popules is another type of acne which is an intermediate between inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. Popules are typical pimples which are slightly inflamed which are recognized for their redness, yet there is no visible pus in the center.
Last but not least, nodules, or sometimes termed as cysts, is the most severe form of acne. Cysts are recognized with their sac-like formation and also these are pus-filled.
This is the worst since it runs deep into the skin tissue from the actual site of the infection. Besides, cystic acnes tend to leave scars than other types of acnes. Due to the fact that it is deeply imbedded into the skin, squeezing or pinching cystic acnes often cause the pus to scatter deep in the layers of the skin. And because of this, it will trigger the immune system to release white blood cells to combat against the widespread of the bacteria. This will then result to swelling and pain, therefore causing deep rooted inflammation.
Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne infection that grows as whiteheads or blackheads.
There is anotjer type of acne which afflicts middle-aged individuals, primarily in women, is the acne rosacea. This can be identified through the flushing of the face that is often conceived as the result of being drink. However, there are no real connections between these two. In the worst case of rosacea, acne rosacea may bring rise to a condition bulbous nose or rhinofima which is more prevalent in men.
Infant acne is a rare case in infants. Babies affected with this mild form usually show symptoms at the time of birth, but, it soon disappears. Research states that this condition is mainly due to fetal hormonal changes.Scalp folliculitis is a form of acne that tends to develop in the scalp or around the hairlines, due to the excessive accumulation of oil and dirt around the area, it is not hard to imagine that why does acne grow.
Acne that appears on the back, face and the shoulders intensively is called acne conglobata. It is the separate form of acne vulgaris which might become cystic. It can be identified with a number of non-inflamed and inflamed scars as well as nodules that are usually found in men. Another separate form is the acne fulminans which is related with systematic symptoms that usually affect teenage boys.
Homeopathic Treatments To Resolve Acne Problems
Acne is a skin disorder which is a common problem to the teenagers and the adults in mid-twenties. There are several causes behind this occurrence:
First of all, it could be due to hormonal changes and imbalance of hormone secretion going on in the body. Also, acne develops through the plugging of the subcutaneous canals found in the external layers of the skin. When these pores are clogged, dead cells and bacteria will build up in the hair follicles, allowing Propionibacterium acnes or bitterly known as P. acnes to thrive within these pores and at the same time attacking on the white blood cells. This process may weaken the body’s immune system and may cause a start of acne breakout.
Acne is a term applied to plugged pores such as blackhead and whiteheads. Besides, pimples, lumps and nodules are also included in this category. This skin condition usually inflicts the face, forehead, and the cheeks and to some extent the back and the shoulders where subcutaneous units exist. These units involve oil glands and hair follicles. The absence of acne in the palm of the hands and the bottom of the feet is because there are no subcutaneous units in these body parts.
Although there is no complete technology for treating acne developed yet, but there are several proven methods of curing and treating the skin disorder. These treatments are good in reducing the severity of the skin condition, and sometimes certain conditions scarring and infections may be prevented.
Homeopathic treatment is a daily routine for treating acne breakout.
The most common and simplest method is with the use of soap and water. But, this can only done two times a day because excessive washing may damage the skin further. By washing, extra sebum seated in the skin may be removed, hence reducing the possibility of developing further acne breakout. Sebum is an oily substance produce only in the skin. For mild acne breakouts, benzoyl peroxide will be prescribed over the counter. It is a basic medication because it has anti-bacterial properties and may also dry out the level of sebum in the skin surface. However, benzyl peroxide has been known for use in fabric and hair bleaching.
One of the substances found in aspirin, which is the salicylic acid may help in an even shedding of the skin. However, it is important to point out that shedding may come in two forms for most people: even and uneven. Uneven shedding may be unhealthy since it may provide time and ground for the bacteria to breed in the skin pores. But, salycilic acid may aid to unclog the pores and heal the lesions left by the inflammation.
However, both the benzyl peroxide and the salicylic acid must be used regularly because either of these two will have no effect on the sebum production.
Sulfur can be found commonly in most of the over the counter medications. Combined with other agents like salicylic acid and alcohol, sulfur has anti-bacterial agents which may help to reduce the presence of P. acnes on the skin.
Many homeopathic remedies have not been medically proven to work. Some other home made treatment solutions include organic and natural substances such as lemon juice, mint juice and rose water.
Can Hormonal Imbalance Cause Acne?
Through out the years, it has been known that acne is mainly due to hormones, hormonal imbalance and hormonal changes. And, people with high level of androgens and testosterone and oily skin are more prone to developing acne. Additionally, androgens and estrogens are also important to keep a healthy skin.
Acne usually starts to appear during the teenage years up to the age of 24 for women. Most of the people get lesions on the face, the chin, cheeks and the forehead. There is also a number of individuals experience acne on the back or chest.
To further support the point, the hormone androgens are known to trigger the start of this skin disorder. It helps to stimulate the enlargement of sebaceous glands, and so giving way to the production and secretion of the sebum, which is an oily substance found only in the skin.
Once the sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands, it will be accumulated in the hair follicles. It then goes up to the hair shafts until it reaches the external layers of the skin. During the process, dirt and bacteria will mix with sebum, plugging the follicles which provide breeding grounds for the bacteria, and finally causing the appearance of acne.
Basically, the hormones help to regulate several body processes. When the hormones become slightly imbalance, it might result to complications and may disrupt body processes, a good hormonal condition will even decrease the possibility of developing the skin disease.
During puberty, the adrenal gland will secrete hormones known as dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate or DHEAS. Combined with testosterone, these hormones will induce the sebaceous glands to produce extra sebum. This is the explanation why the skin disorder is more common among teens.
Since the males have greater presence of hormone testosterone, this has caused more severe acne outbreak in boys. It is much harder to treat teenagers since there is a constant flux in their hormones. Initially, it may be possible to treat their acne with a specific topical medication, but as their body develops, they might experience hormonal shifts and cease on reacting to recent medications. This is why doctors will have to keep changing their prescriptions to accommodate the changes.
Acne in women often appears a week the menstruation. This condition will usually affect those who are in their mid-twenties and thirties. Women are said never to outgrow this natural process, but this is only true to some special cases. For the women who experience this, it is best to seek help from their dermatologists and doctors to find out the real cause of such conditions. Most of the outbreaks of acne could be due to hormonal imbalance.
It would be tougher to treat the acne patients at this stage. However, if the doctor successfully identified the relation of hormone to acne, he may normally prescribe certain medications for treatment. Doctors might provide birth control pills for the women as the medications will help to suppress the androgens in the body. Corticosteroids may be prescribed for the more severe cases of acne, however it may worsen the acne condition in some patients.
Identify Your Type of Acne
For the last decades, acne has been affecting people of all age levels. A published study known as Prevalence of Facial Acne on Adults stated that the current mean age for acne patients treated these past ten years range from 20.5 to 26.5 years old.
For the last decades, acne has been affecting people of all age levels. A published study known as Prevalence of Facial Acne on Adults stated that the current mean age for acne patients treated these past ten years range from 20.5 to 26.5 years old.
In today’s world, acne is no longer considered as puberty-related disease, it is more like a skin disorder and may be worsened as severe skin diseases. There has been infants who are born with acne, but it will soon disappear after a few months of birth. Though this is true, infants born with this skin disorder are more prone to acquire acne later on their lives.
Basically, everyone experiences acne at some stages of their life. There are also no specific factors why people get this skin disorder. People all-over the world has equal risk of being affected with this skin disease.
Acne can be categorized into two groups, from the mildest form that can be treated externally and to the most severe form, which must be addressed by a dermatologist, often requiring oral treatments by means of antibiotics.
If you categorized acne by their severity, they can be categorized into papule, comedo, nodule, pustule, and cyst types.
The simplest and most basic form of acne is a red lesion or swelling appeared on the surface of the skin due to bacterial attack on the tissue called comedo. Propionic bacterium or P. acnes is a bacteria that generally lives on the skin that may cause the acne occurrence through its production of certain chemicals and enzymes that will decompose the tissue wall to penetrate the hair canal.
This action will result swelling, pain and redness that cause the comedones to form. If the comedo is open, the surface of the skin tissue will be black due to oil deposits and is known as blackhead. If the comedo is close, the skin has skin-colored bumps called whiteheads.
Besides, papules are very small and may give a rough skin appearance like that of sand paper.
According to different skin conditions, acne is given different names. Acne vulgaris, which is the most common form of acne, often appears with whiteheads and blackheads. If acne has changed form and manifests on middle-age individuals, it is then known as Acne rosacea.
Acne rosacea does not exist with openings on its pores. Generally, it only gives rough appearance on the skin surface since there will be bumpy nods on the forehead, cheeks and chin. It is hard to get rid of It is very hard to completely cure acne rosacea and the infected skin and it may leave a bumpy nose surface, which is called Rhynophyma.
In addition, Acne cystica is the most severe form of this skin disorder. It will develop deep inflammation that fills the pus nodes and when the pus bursts, the skin tissue will be infected rather than the skin surface alone. Severe inflammation and deep infection may lead to cyst formations that may leave permanent scars on the skin.
Another form of is Acne fulminance, which is a rare type, can be categorized by systematic weight loss, fever and other critical condition. Generally, acne fulminance occurs to boys.
Apart from the above mentioned acne forms, there are still other types of acne such as Acne infantilis, Acne connglobata and Acne pustulosa.
Keeping Acne At Bay
There has always been many misconceptions about skin care and acne care that may seem logical, yet very untrue. Some of them might even damage the skin of those who believe it.
For example, there is this belief that a person must regularly wash his face for several times a day using a facial scrub to get rid of acne. The reality is, this has a logical appeal but is nevertheless a very unlikely solution for this can further aggravate the problem. You might not know, but this action may trigger the spreading of acne to other parts of the face tissue, take note that acne thrives in the deeper layers of the skin.
Besides, some people resolve on using harsh soaps to free the face from harmful bacteria, again his is a farfetched solution to an acne outbreak.
There has always been many misconceptions about skin care and acne care that may seem logical, yet very untrue. Some of them might even damage the skin of those who believe it.
For example, there is this belief that a person must regularly wash his face for several times a day using a facial scrub to get rid of acne. The reality is, this has a logical appeal but is nevertheless a very unlikely solution for this can further aggravate the problem. You might not know, but this action may trigger the spreading of acne to other parts of the face tissue, take note that acne thrives in the deeper layers of the skin.
Besides, some people resolve on using harsh soaps to free the face from harmful bacteria, again his is a farfetched solution to an acne outbreak.
Now, let’s look at some skin care methods that help to prevent a major acne outbreak:
1. Showers are better than baths for a continuous flow of water from the shower is helpful in opening the skin pores, hence helping to get rid of the dirt. It has been said that those who shower thoroughly rinse their body and are able to get relieved of oily cells and dead skin cells. But, if you choose to bath in a tub, the pustule infections may transfer to other parts of your skin and may create a new acne outbreak.
2. The use of wash cloth may become a breeding ground for spreading acne and infections throughout the face. It is more advisable to use a soft wash cloth and avoid vigorous face washing or rubbing. Dermatologists recommend washing the face before entering the shower room as this may prevent the out spreading of acne infections to other parts of the body.
3. Doctors also recommend that you should take precautions that, when you are washing hair, avoid shampoo in contact with your face or on the sensitive areas that are starting to show symptoms of becoming infested with acne.
4. Use some hydrogen peroxide must be dissolved in the bath tub to kill bacteria that are present in the pores as they open.
5. When washing your face, use the hottest water that you can tolerate as it helps to open the skin pores entirely and kills the bacteria that thrive within. It may also dissolve the unnecessary oil while releasing them.
6. It is also recommended for people with acne to bath twice a day, which is in the morning and in this evening.
7. The best option for an acne-prone person is to keep his pores open to prevent an outbreak of acne. In order to achieve this, you need to wash your face regularly to get a bacterial-free face. Making use of wipes or washing the affected area may be helpful in washing your face.
8. Never expose any acne-affected parts of your skin to sunlight. If cannot be avoided, use a sunscreen to go with it.
9. Practice good hygiene to reduce the chances of acne infections.
The Goodness Of Lavender In Treating Acne
Lavender has long been used for its soft, calming scent. It is a name derived from the Latin word lavare..And today, the fragrance is added to bath soaps, detergents, cosmetic products, potpourri, and also candles. Other than its lovely smell, lavender also contains medicinal properties too.
Lavender has long been used for its soft, calming scent. It is a name derived from the Latin word lavare..And today, the fragrance is added to bath soaps, detergents, cosmetic products, potpourri, and also candles. Other than its lovely smell, lavender also contains medicinal properties too.
The oil of the flower is what gives it its scent. The therapeutic qualities of lavender fragrance are famous for producing a calming effect on the senses. This also means, the scent slows the reactions of the nervous system, thus encouraging the body into relaxation. People who often suffer from sleep disorders may take lavender as a tea, may use the oil to massage as part of the therapy.
Lavender has been used to treat skin and hair ailments as well. Alopecia patients have experienced less hair loss when massaging their scalps with lavender oils. Eczema, acne, and fungal infections have been successfully treated with lavender.
Lavender is a fairly hearty plant and can easily and quickly grow large and strong in any herbal garden. Other than fresh sprigs of lavender, this supplement can also be in the form of soaps, oils, lotions, infusions, extracts, tinctures, and dried flowers.
Use one or two teaspoons of the dried herb to make and can be used per one cup of boiling water.
Similar to any other types of supplements, doctor should be consulted before the use of medications or supplements. A licensed and knowledgeable herbalist or alternative medicine practitioner will also be able to inform you about the information on drug interactions or possible side effects.
Oily Skin & Acne
Apparently, there is about 85% of people between ages 12 to 24 suffer from acne, and the root cause of acne has not been found yet. This is a very common skin condition that affects infants, teenagers and adults, only differs by level of intensity.
Unfortunately, there is still no complete cure for acne but there are effective treatments available in the market. But of course, you will have to find out your skin type before applying any treatment.
Skin is the largest organ in our body, and it acts as a barrier to block microorganisms and harmful elements from entering the body. It helps some important body function such as regulating the loss of body liquids such as blood and water. On top of that, it also protects body tissues from injuries and controls body temperature through perspiration.
The skin is made up of different layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis has an important role in acne production as it includes hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.
Generally, skin can be categorized into three categories, which are: normal skin, dry skin and oily skin. Apart from these primary types, it is further subdivided into different categories where certain skin conditions apply. And usually, these are skin combinations, for example, acne-prone skin, sensitive skin, aging skin and mature skin.
Usually, acne-prone skins are oily and are usually are inflicted with with pimples and blackheads. They are very likely to turn into severe acne conditions if no proper treatment is given, they may leave permanent pits and scars.
Acne sufferers must take extra good care of their skin, diet as well as cosmetics. This should be practiced by everyone to maintain the health and well-being or their skin.
Besides acne-prone skin, sensitive skin and oily skin too vulnerable to acne affliction. By nature, oily skin is often coarse and shiny in texture, and due to this enlarged skin pores, it might encourage the growth of blackheads. It can be identified by flaky patches around the nose and may also produce large amounts of oil or sebum. These are all the factors why acne infection is widespread in this skin type even during adulthood.
As for the sensitive skin, it is more prone to acne since it is readily affected with the slightest change in the body chemistry affected by foods, cosmetics and external influences. It is regarded as a skin type with damaged vessels and capillaries below the skin surface.
If you have developed sensitivity of the skin, then you need to take good care internally and externally. Choose perfumes, cosmetics, and other chemical substances carefully according to your personal condition as they may trigger chemical reactions in the body, then the skin irritation might lead to acne break out.
Skin oiliness may differ through out the day depending on the weather. It is important for you to maintain the health of your skin, reduce stress to lessen the chances of acne break out, as well as aging and other skin disorders.
What Is Rosacea And How To Treat This Skin Disorder?
Rosacea is a type of chronic skin disease, it can be identified by slight inflammation, redness and pimples and thickness in skin. It is rare that other parts of the body are afflicted with this type of skin disorder.
Rosacea grows both in men and women aged between 30 and 50. However, acne rosacea is more common in women and the reason has not been identified. One of the reasons could be due to menopause and it increases in intensity over the period of time. Initially, it would have the appearance of reddish complexion but will develop into a more severe skin disfiguration.
Three stages of rosacea:
Stage One:
Redness on face will be visible with frequent persistence of the reddish complexion. As time goes, redness becomes more apparent as blood vessels emerge from the skin. The skin will turn tough and develop burning sensations, this then evolve to the point that whatever skin products is applied on the skin may bring irritation and the sensation of skin burning.
Second stage:
The redness spreads at the stage and will be able to cover the majority of the skin surface. The development of pimples, swelling and boils will become noticeable.
The redness spreads at the stage and will be able to cover the majority of the skin surface. The development of pimples, swelling and boils will become noticeable.
Third stage:
Third stage is painful but many patients do not reach up to this stage. This is where rhinophyma or the condition of bulbous nose manifests. This can be identified by the swelling which may spread to the entire central face and in rare cases, may affect the areas near the earlobes. The sebaceous glands will start to enlarge, thus causing puffed nose and cheeks.
Almost 50% of acne rosacea cases may involve infection in the eyes. There are even conjunctivitis or irritated sensation on the eye found in some cases. If this is not treated immediately, this may bring serious eye complications.
Third stage is painful but many patients do not reach up to this stage. This is where rhinophyma or the condition of bulbous nose manifests. This can be identified by the swelling which may spread to the entire central face and in rare cases, may affect the areas near the earlobes. The sebaceous glands will start to enlarge, thus causing puffed nose and cheeks.
Almost 50% of acne rosacea cases may involve infection in the eyes. There are even conjunctivitis or irritated sensation on the eye found in some cases. If this is not treated immediately, this may bring serious eye complications.
However, the real causes for acne rosacea have yet to be identified. This skin disorder could last for several years. Different from other forms of acne, acne rosacea may have direct links with food intakes. Such condition will happen when certain chemicals in the body reacts with the chemicals extracted from the food items taken into the body. Therefore, patients should stay away from good that might trigger acne breakout, and over exposure to sunlight must be avoided.
Ashamed Of The Acne Scars On Your Face? Find Out What You Can Do To Remove Them.
Acne will usually leave scars on our face that’s hard to get rid of. This is caused by the chronic condition of the skin disease. The most common form of acne scar is the ice-pick scars which can be identified as crater-like in texture and usually appear on the face, shoulders, arms and the buttocks.
However, there are several ways have been developed to remove and smoothen the scars left by acne depending on the health condition, age and severity of the acne-inflicted skin tissues.
Usually, the mildest form of acne will not leave scars, and if does, it will heal pretty fast. As for the acne scars left by Nodulycystic acne may leave scars that are deep-seated into the skin tissue.
There are also skin pigmentations that may appear like scars but in fact, they are actually are scar-related spots. Macules are a pseudo-scar that may be caused by inflamed acne abrasions. It is the final stage in the healing process of any inflamed acne lesions, which appears like flat, red spots. It will take some time for macules to disappear, and they will not leave any scars.
Generally, there are two categories of acne scars when the basis of grouping is the shape of the tissue, which are scar with increased skin tissue and scar with decreased skin tissue. The overgrowth in scar tissue is termed as keloids which were of African-American origin while the more common form is the ice-pick scar.
Now, how to determine those who are qualified for acne scar removal?
First of all, doctor will diagnose your health status, and it is important that you are not presently affected by diseases of any sorts or should you have pre-existing unhealthy conditions, otherwise you might be declined for further procedures.
Even if you are qualified for the treatments, doctors may choose to delay your operation if acne flares up during this period. Your scheduled treatment may be moved to another schedule until the pre-existing acne condition disappears or until the possibility of contamination with other body parts are taken under control. If however this condition persists, your doctor may give you medications to prepare for .
There are some acne scars that are considered to be totally irremovable. The skin of the acne-afflicted patient may not recover the skin he has before getting the skin disease. Still, it may give substantial improvements.
Dermatologists have developed several ways to reduce acne scars, and it may completely remove scars for certain cases.
1. Remove the top layers of the skin with an abrasive instrument called as electric sander, which is known as dermabrasion, will leave the skin smooth and healthy after a period of reddening.
2. Punch grafts, which is a method of using small patches of the skin from another body part and are implanted to the deep holes made by the acne scars. In most cases, skin from the ear lobe or upper part of the thigh will be used to transplant, depending on the amount of skin needed.
3. Doctors will usually recommend chemical peels if the acne scar is not too severe. The chemical, after removing the top layers of the skin will allow a regeneration of the skin tissue on the affected area.
4. Collagens, by injections into the skin, are also used to replace severely damaged or destroyed pores and cells.
There are other some methods of acne scars treatments, which include laser treatment, steroid injection and plastic surgery for some severe cases.
Teenagers & Acne.
It is a common misconception that, teenagers are more pron to suffer from acne compared to others. And, when they are out of teen age years, they will not suffer from acne breakouts anymore. This is totally false because in some cases, acne appears in older ages even until one is already past 40 and it is even a chronic problem for some.
Acne is mainly hereditary. Due to the fact there are not much developed medications proven to stop the production of acne completely. It has been found that three out of four teenagers are found to have acne. So it is clear that 75% of people undergoing the extremely self-conscious stage of human life are with nods and bumps all over their faces. Due to this, there are many people out there who seek for treatment to combat this skin disorder.
Many people make use of cosmetics as an effective way of covering the scars and the rough skin surface. The dermatologists stated that acne infected teens tend to look for creams that will cover their pimples. Teenagers with low self-esteem are often known to have significant mood swings, depression or even eating disorders in some cases.
Most teens are told that they should not eat oily foods and chocolates as it may produce acne outbreaks. This belief has been around for some years without concrete proof that eating habits may actually aid acne production in teens. Yet, many dermatologists advise teenagers to stay away from caffeine, alcohol and nuts intakes as they might stimulate the oil glands in the skin. In fact, iodine is the only proven trigger for acne breakout.
Parents should be responsible on helping their teenage sons or daughters in coping with acne problems. Generally, acne infected individuals tend to lose self-esteem for the fear of not being accepted by their peers or that they might be looked down upon.
To avoid the damage of self-confidence among teens, parents should bring their children to the dermatologists as soon as an acne outbreak is spotted. This may be able to reduce the chance for a teen to have his head drooped or stay away from peers.
Parents should not reinforce the fear for acne through further emphasizing myths on acne like situations associated with eating habits. Parents should pay proper attention and needs to the youngsters and it is recommended that parents advise them, especially in view of too much self-worth on beauty basis. They must also be reminded that acne breakout is usually temporary for most people.
Although there is no permanent cure for acne, it can be treated at some degrees so teenagers should not be living in fear and low self-esteem. Besides, it is perfectly normal for the majority to experience acne breakouts.
Acne Treatment By Various Vitamins
Although vitamins can help to reduce the risk of getting acne, but, they cannot completely clear up acne. And in fact, there is no permanent and complete cure for acne.
However, they can help to maintain a healthy body while expelling some causes like poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances and stress. Vitamins is important to maintain over-all physiology of the person affected with this skin condition which includes the promotion of a healthier body and support to the body’s internal system.
The human body is a complex system made up of internal and external organs, can it is hard to deal with them perfectly especially the internal state of balance. Stress has been known as one of the causes of acne breakouts, may reduce the body of internal resources and may affect internal processes. And also, it may weaken our immune system thus providing an increased vulnerability to bacterial infections. It may suppress the system and hence resulting to malfunctioning digestive system, and eventually we will not have sufficient minerals and vitamins. Some of these vitamins are important in the cellular works and in providing energy.
Vitamins can help to enhance our body to create more energy in maintaining cellular processes and to provide life’s basic nutrients. And so, the lack of such may depreciate many of the body functions. And, vitamins can complement the vitamins that we can’t get in food.
One such vitamin is the Vitamin A, it is important to provide acne-free skin for people who have been inflicted with the skin disease. Vitamin A provides the same functions as with the retinoids and isotretonoin, without the risks of birth imperfections in unborn fetuses.
Retinol is the common term used for Vitamin A, which is important for proper vision as well as healthy mucous membranes and skin. Oxidation is mainly caused by diminished retinol level which may result to the production of toxins in the cells. Vitamin E helps to control this oxidation, in effect restores the normal retinol level.
Vitamin E is known to have the property for skin repair and retard the skin aging process. Being an antioxidant, this vitamin may protect the cell membranes from potential damage. Through its property of getting rid of harmful free radicals, it can help to maintain healthy skin during the process of cellular metabolism. Studies have proven that Vitamin E can help to heal the skin inflicted with acne. This also may help in the reduction of scars left by acne.
Zinc has a role to absorb Vitamin A and regulate the level of Vitamin E in the blood stream. It may also help boost the immune system and kill any acne-causing bacteria. Thus, depleting infections brought by such.
Moreover, Selenium helps to maintain skin’s elasticity and boost the activity of body antioxidants. Antioxidants are important to prevent the scattering of oxidative cellular cells that may attack cellular cells found in all major body’s systems. Together with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-carotene, Selenium prevents the birth of free radicals and other harmful elements, including peroxides.
The mineral Magnesium plays a vital role to balance out our body hormones. Hormones and hormonal imbalances are the known cause for many acne breakouts
Do You Know What Causes Acne Breakout…?
Just like any other skin diseases and disorders, acne could be caused by several reasons. There are just too many contributing factors, and, till today, there is no complete cure for this skin disease yet. It could be your diet, how your body react to the food, and how to use preserve your body and skin healthy.
There are three main causes of acne in medicals point of view:
1. Hormonal imbalance
2. Bacteria P. acnes
3. Hyper active production of the oily substance sebum by the sebaceous glands
Diet has some role in acne development, mainly due to the lack of certain nutrients from the food that we consume. Under certain circumstances, the body may act in response to the food item through the secretion of some hormones that trigger the acne breakout. According to studies, the chemical balance or imbalance of the body may be due to the bod’s reaction to certain chemicals, and in some cases hormones, found in foods.
Research studies strongly prove that the good bacteria or the probiotics help a lot in the skin maintenance and elimination of the causes of the skin disorders. These bacteria are known to have the agents and properties to eliminate toxins from foods that were not properly digested in the digestive tract due to the absence of some essential nutrients. And sometimes, these toxins are expelled through the skin in the form of acne or eczema.
Together with this, the friendly flora found in the intestines may decrease through an unhealthy diet or erratic lifestyle. When a person lives under such conditions, the toxins will then be produced through unprocessed food may manifest as digestive or skin disorders. One of which is acne.
To be exact, it is not food that causes the acne outbreak, instead, it is the process of decomposition of certain food items in the digestive system which adds to the aggravation of the acne breakout. Besides diet, improper digestions might also cause acne. Often, this is caused by lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. And due to this fact, our body cannot absorb the essential nutrients of the food items hence weakening the immune system. And then, the white blood cells present in the skin tissues are more vulnerable of being eaten or invaded by the bacteria. For this reason, even if your nutrient intake may be sufficient and you have a well-balanced diet, the spreading of acne bacteria may be unconstrained. This may be corrected through taking food supplements though.
Acne-inflicted person is not suitable for oil-based cosmetics since it can trigger acne through the chemical found in them. It is not ideal for an acne-afflicted person to use an oil-free cosmetic. Synthetic oil contained in the cosmetics is just as bad as organic ones. And also, oil-based cosmetics will further increase the oil present in the skin, hence encouraging more oil as breeding ground for P. acnes bacteria. Water-based cosmetics may also worsen the acne condition for some people since they contain certain chemicals in which the skin tissue may react. To play safe, it is best for ane-inflicted person to avoid the use of cosmetics.
Recent studies show that stress tends to trigger an acne breakout. It has been a known fact that the stress is one factor which may aggravate the condition of acne.
Heat and humidity are also among the factors of worsening acne breakouts. And, it is not good to wash the skin as often as you think you should. It is recommended that we should only wash our face twice a day as scrubbing or rubbing the face may only proliferate the bacteria thriving in the skin. And also, scratching pimples might infect your skin as well!
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